婴儿指甲钳,修甲美妆工具,修甲美容套装,修甲工具,不锈钢指甲钳,塑料死皮锉,暗疮针,耳挖,修甲剪,礼品套刀,脚板锉,眉刀,指甲锉,开瓶器,酒刀 电话咨询 066****7546 手机浏览 纠错/管理
阳江市海纳工贸实业有限公司座落在“中国刀剪之都”--广东省阳江市,厂房占地面积12000平方米。近20年生产五金制品经验,诚信经营、依法纳税。 本公司设计生产的指甲钳采用进口优质不锈钢,运用传统磨制工艺和高新技术精工制作而成,其钢质平滑,细腻,钳刀口锋利,吻合度高,活动节处灵活, 防锈能力超强,彰显奢华本色。同时,“珊珊”产品文化迎合了现代人“经典创造永恒”的需求价值观,体现了成功人士的高雅、成熟、高贵、稳重。产品搭配组合实用,即人性化、时尚性、专业性强,又不失精雕细琢的工艺,产品远销世界各地。 Yangjiang city Haina industry and trade limited company is located in the" Cutlery Capital of China" - Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, plant covers an area of 12000 square meters. Nearly 20 years the production of metal products of experience, integrity management, pay tax in accordance with the law.The company designed and manufactured a nail clipper with imported high quality stainless steel, the use of traditional grinding technology and new and high technology produced fine workmanship, the steel smooth, delicate, clamp the knife-edge sharp, fit high, flexible, antirust ability exceeds strong, luxury color. At the same time," Shanshan" cultural products to meet the modern" classic to create the eternal" demand value, reflects the success of the elegant, noble, mature, stable. The product mix of practical, namely the humanization and fashion, professional and strong, yet the exquisite craft, the products are exported around the world. 我们与众多品牌公司长期保持良好的合作关系,拥有着丰富的经营管理经验。同时,我们希望能为广大客户提供优质便利的服务,建立友好合作关系。 欢迎广大顾客来本公司参观,定购,为我们提供专业意见。我们深感荣幸。 We maintain long-term good relations of cooperation with many brand company , has a wealth of management experience. At the same time, we hope that for the customers to provide quality and convenient services, the establishment of friendly relations and cooperation.Welcome customers to visit the company, order, as we provide professional advice. We are deeply honored.
- 地址:广东 阳江 赤岗东路39号
- 邮编:529525
所在地:广东省阳江市经营范围:开瓶器配件 , 开瓶器钻头